Proprioception – the physiological reality behind a “natural” technique

It is said that a concert pianist has fine motor-control skills with a degree of coordination which exceeds that of a brain surgeon during operations. To perform of piece of music which demands that each finger, each joint of that finger and each muscle in the hand, arm and body cooperates and contributes to the … Continue reading Proprioception – the physiological reality behind a “natural” technique

The effortlessness of the expert

It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless - Steven Sondheim When we witness an expert performer in music or in sport the word "effortless" often springs to mind. However, most people are (hopefully) aware of the amount of work actually needed to reach this level of mastery. Therefor "effort-less" can´t necessarily mean that something is "without effort". … Continue reading The effortlessness of the expert

Nutritious living and playing

This has been a rather inspiring and hectic year with certifications, teaching, lecturing and holding weekend courses in Oslo, Tromsø and Trondheim. This summer i got my level 2 certification in Timani and also my certification as a Restorative Exercise Specialist from The Restorative Exercise Institute™ which now has changed name to Nutritious Movement™. This is a … Continue reading Nutritious living and playing

Hemmeligheten bak en “naturlig teknikk” – Historien om mannen som mistet kroppen sin

It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless - Ben Mitchell The best art always seem effortless - Steven Sondheim Det sies at konsertpianister benytter en finmotorikk med en koordineringsgrad som ligger over den en hjernekirurg benytter ved operasjoner. Det å formidle et musikkstykke som krever at hver finger, hvert ledd i den … Continue reading Hemmeligheten bak en “naturlig teknikk” – Historien om mannen som mistet kroppen sin

Timani – en inngangport til en dypere forståelse av kropp og musisering

- For musikere - For ikke-musikere - For tangodansere Timani handler om å oppnå en bedre indre koordinering mellom de ulike delene av bevegelsesapparatet vårt og derved øke evnen til musisering eller ganske enkelt til å være komfortabel i egen kropp. Du oppnår en større sikkerhet og teknisk kontroll, bedre klang og større uttrykksmuligheter på … Continue reading Timani – en inngangport til en dypere forståelse av kropp og musisering