Welcome to The Listening Experience

This is a blog about Listening,- Listening as a way of enhancing your auditory and musical awareness as well as the focus we apply when turning inward through somatic bodywork. I work as a musician, Timani teacher, lecturer, somatic bodyworker and mental coach, and at the center of all my work is a deep reverence for the human perception in all its forms – both in the way we perceive music and sound, but also in how we perceive this wonderous body which we are all living within. The Listening Experience is dedicated to bringing awareness to these areas through articles and blogs.

Here you can read about..

Musical awareness, a man living without a body, un-familiar or vanishing soundscapes, hearing colors, psyco-accoustics and biological listening intentions, sound as both torture and therapy, concert hall-battlefields, listening as a way of awareness, musical sculptures and instruments of wonder and amazement, crystal organs and inflatable guitars, well-organized frog pools, music as a political weapon, inner and outer filters of perception, survival by theatre, horrendous accidents, horses that are fruits and much more…

The main categories of these blogs are:

Musical awareness and ways to expand the listening experience when listening to music (with input from biology, history and physiology and other weird information)

Listening as a way of connecting with the body: No matter what our instrument might be: our initial instrument, the human body is the most advanced instrument we will ever encounter and as such it demands a thorough knowledge in order to be mastered

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